These simple practical approaches to life, practiced regularly, can lead us down a more fulfilling path in life. Making any one of the approaches a priority can provide us with a more effective way of living; we experience more joy, and contentment, and magic. Ultimately applying any of these approaches to life allows us to align with our life’s purpose.

Some only require a subtle change in the way we go about doing things, or the way we engage with other people, or the way we use our time. But they all have the ability to expand our awareness and even enhance how we treat ourselves – whether it’s at work, or at play.


In another video we posed the question: ‘What is the one thing that you want more than absolutely anything else in life?’

We invite you to remember what it is you want in life, that thing that you want more than absolutely anything else, your heart’s highest desire, and commit 100% to experiencing that. You’ll be amazed how quickly things unfold for you when you’ve committed 100% to your highest desire.

The answer is the same for all of us: We want endless peace, and contentment, and an experience of unbroken joy. We also want to experience on-going unconditional love.

If an experience of unbroken peace and contentment, and the ability to live fully is what we want – then we need to commit to it. We need to make it the priority in our life.

And if we’re going to commit to anything, we need to commit 100%. Less than 100% commitment means that we can still make choices that lead us away from that thing we want. Less than 100% allows the back door to remain open.

We invite you to remember what it is you want in life, that thing that you want more than absolutely anything else, your heart’s highest desire, and commit 100% to experiencing that. You’ll be amazed how quickly things unfold that almost effortlessly deliver you to experiencing your highest desire.


All too often we resist and attempt to control the things that come along in life. We get caught up in intense thinking as we reject the people or events in our life; we often want to change the situation we are in, or we want the people in our world to behave differently.

But if we let go of that resistance, or the tendency to control, we instantly start flowing with life. As we begin flowing with the infinite current of life we become increasingly aware that those people, or events, or material aspects in our world are there to support us. It may not be obvious, but those aspects of our world that appear to disturb our peace are also there to assist our progress.

As we master going with the flow, it’s as if we are flowing down the river of life at the same velocity as the current. Everything that’s around us is there to support us.

Whereas, when we force our will, and try to control or resist what is, it’s as if we have grabbed hold of a branch on the side of the river in the rapids, and we are trying to fight the current. Resistance takes effort, it consumes energy, and it induces fear, stress and discomfort.

Letting go of the resistance to what is, letting go of our will, and letting go of the tendency to control aspects of our life that can’t actually be controlled reveals peace. Going with the flow also reveals much more effectiveness in life; we achieve much more and yet we expend less time, energy and resources. And we experience so much more joy.

Become aware of those things that you’re trying to control, or resist in your life, and go with the flow.